Aylesbury Foodbank (4 locations)

Aylesbury Foodbank (4 locations)


Aylesbury food bank is a project founded by local churches and community groups, working together towards stopping hunger in the local area. Provides emergency food to people referred to the foodbank in crisis.

Through a voucher system – 7 of our 8 locations are also able to issue vouchers as well as over 60 other organisations around Buckinghamshire
What do you offer? When/Where? Day Time Address Phone Vouchers

Monday 1.30-3 Buckingham Park Community Centre, HP19 9DZ 01296 435239 Yes
6.30 – 8pm Aylesbury Methodist Church, Buckingham Street, HP20 2NQ 07762 876541 Yes

Tuesday 10 – 11.30 The Oaks Café, 3 Elm Court, HP21 7NQ 01296 424880 Yes

Wednesday 11 – 12.30 More + 36 Parton Road, Aylesbury, HP20 1NG 07939 992406 Yes

Thursday 10- 12 St Peter’s, Coventon Road, HP19 9ND 01296 489717 Yes
2 – 3.30 Esquires Coffee Shop, Concorde Square, HP18 1AD 07919 332859 Yes

Friday By (9.30-2.30) Arrangement Southcourt Baptist Church, 40 Penn Road, HP21 8HW 01296 480080 Yes

Saturday 10am – 12pm Tabitha Foodbank, 5 Rickford’s Hill, HP20 2RT 07429 924842 Yes

How to Access this Service

By using the contact details below, or completing the online form here: https://aylesbury.foodbank.org.uk/contact-us/

The phone line is open Monday-Thursday 10.30 am – 5pm. Outside these times please leave a message and they will call you back as soon as they can.


For up to date locations and times see https://aylesbury.foodbank.org.uk/locations/

Organisation: Aylesbury Foodbank
01296 395514
07565 799797

Who is it for?

If you live in Aylesbury area.

Aylesbury Foodbank (4 locations) Image
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