Abingdon Foodbank


Abingdon Foodbank is run by local churches and volunteers and aims to prevent hunger and support people in Abingdon who are in hardship or facing a crisis. We give a parcel of food (tinned, long-life and some fresh), and basic toiletries where needed, to sustain people who are referred to us for a few days. We can also refer them to Citizens Advice and other agencies for longer term support.

How to Access this Service

You will need a referral from a social worker, Citizens Advice, your child’s school or an agency such as Turning Point.
For enquiries, contact us at [email protected] or on 07562 247443.


We are open at the following times:

Tuesday 11.00-12.45 at Christ Church, Northcourt Road, Abingdon, OX14 1PL
Wednesday 1.00-2.30 at Preston Road Community Centre, Midget Close, Abingdon, OX14 5NR
Friday 11.00-12.45 at Christ Church, Northcourt Road, Abingdon, OX14 1PL

Organisation: Abingdon Foodbank
Christ ChurchNorthcourt RoadAbingdonOX14 1PLUK
07562 247443

Who is it for?

We serve people living in Abingdon and the surrounding villages

Abingdon Foodbank Image
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