Coram Voice

Coram Voice provides advocacy to young people who are living in care or have recently left care, through a helpline and network of community advocates. The helpline has access to interpreters for those young people who speak little or no English.
Coram Voice is a leading children’s rights organisation. They champion the rights of children. They get young voices heard in decisions that matter to them and work to improve the lives of children in care, care leavers and others who depend upon the help of the state.
How to Access this Service
By ringing or emailing with details below.
There are 4 key aspects to Coram Voice’s work:
They deliver high quality advice and support.
They seek out those who need our help most.
They work as a problem solving partner.
They provide a platform for A National Voice for children and young people.
The advocacy helpline is open Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 6:00pm and Saturdays between 10:00am and 4:00pm.
Who is it for?
Young people.