Locality Community Support Service (LCSS)

Locality Community Support Service (LCSS)


Locality Community Support Service (LCSS) will provide advice and guidance to universal services, including schools, health services and voluntary and community groups to enable them to support vulnerable children, young people and families within their community. They will also work closely with professionals to identify the most vulnerable families who require additional support from the Family Support Service. Professionals who have concerns about a child or family where it is not an immediate safeguarding issue, can make a report to the LCSS.
Members of the public can also ring the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 if they have any concerns about a child.

How to Access this Service

By phoning or emailing. Number and email below is the central details for those living in Oxford.

If you live in North Oxfordshire, contact: 0345 241 2703 LCSS.North@oxfordshire.gov.uk
If you live in South Oxfordshire, contact: 0345 241 2608 LCSS.South@oxfordshire.gov.uk


Please contact your nearest geographical team during the following times: Monday – Thursday; 8.30am – 5pm, Friday; 8.30am – 4pm.

You should contact the Locality Community Support Service if you:

Have emerging concerns for a child that does not require an immediate safeguarding response.
Need support or guidance with an Early Help Assessment or Team Around the Family.
Wish to complete a No Names Consultation.

Organisation: Managed by Oxfordshire County Council
Oxfordshire County CouncilCounty HallNew RoadOxfordOxfordshireOX1 1NDUK
0345 241 2705

Who is it for?

Anyone living in Oxfordshire.

Locality Community Support Service (LCSS) Image
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