
Aspire Oxford exist to help vulnerable people who are facing challenges such as homelessness, poverty, addiction, offending histories or mental health difficulties to move into the world of work. Aspire Oxford can offer work experience within their own enterprise businesses and the person-centred support they need to make their own lasting change.

How to Access this Service

Starting the process by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us at 01865 204450

Email referral form via [email protected]

Visiting the “Get help now” pages on our website


Education, training and employment support
Homelessness prevention support
Housing support
Wellbeing support
Digital connectivity support

Based in Oxford City, wider Oxfordshire and, for some projects, the wider Thames Valley

Organisation: Aspire Oxford
St Thomas School, Osney LaneOxford OX1 1NJUK
01865 204 450

Who is it for?

Adults and young adults in Oxford City and wider Oxfordshire.

Adults and young people out of education, training and employment, prison-leavers, refugees and individuals in recovery, and people facing barriers to self-employment.

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