Infant-Parent Perinatal Service (IPPS) (Oxfordshire)

Infant-Parent Perinatal Service (IPPS) (Oxfordshire)


IPPS offers support to women and men who are experiencing or who are at risk of experiencing moderate mental health difficulties relating to pregnancy or the birth of their child, such as: parent-infant relationship difficulties, post-natal depression or current low mood, anxiety and panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and eating disorders. The service is multi-professional and includes two community psychiatric nurses and a mental health practitioner.

How to Access this Service

Referrals can be made by any professional with a concern about a mother or father’s mental health during the antenatal period and up to one year in the postnatal period. As a specialist service, with particular remits that will remain part of the person health record, it is important to obtain separate specific consent to refer to this service.


Infant-Parent Perinatal Service (IPPS) (Oxfordshire) Image
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