Young People’s Supported Accommodation Services (YPSA)

This pathway is co-commissioned by Oxfordshire County and District Councils for 16-24 year olds in Oxfordshire who have experienced the following issues:
- Separation from or loss of family
- Past family experiences such as trauma, abuse, neglect, family breakdown, parent drug and alcohol addiction, parent mental health or disability issues
- Challenging behaviours which have resulted from their experiences
- Needs resulting from drug and alcohol issues, anger management, low self-esteem, self-harm, mental health, learning disability and domestic abuse
Providers of YPSA include Response, Oxfordshire Youth, Connection Support, Key2 Futures, Sanctuary Housing, A2 Dominion, and Oxfordshire County Council.
Organisation: Oxfordshire County Council
County Hall, New RoadOxfordOX1 1ND
Who is it for?
16-24 years