
Advocate is the Bar’s national charity, enabling barristers to make a contribution to the community. Facing court can be bewildering and frightening event: no one should have to experience it alone. Advocate matches members of the public who need free legal help with barristers who are willing to donate their time and expertise in deserving cases for those who are unable to obtain legal aid and cannot afford to pay.
How to Access this Service
By using the contact details below. We operate a voicemail only service. We will try to get back to you as soon as we can but this may take a few days.
Please leave your name, number, email address and a brief message outlining your query. Please note that we return calls from a withheld number. We can help with your application however, we cannot give legal advice over the phone.
Alternatively, you can fill out their contact form too:
They are available Monday- Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm.
Who is it for?
Anyone needing legal support.